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2018 Camp will be held May 26—30 at Camp Wesley Pines.
1095 Camp Wesley Pine Rd
Hazlehurst, MS 39083
The Mississippi Burn Camp Foundation offers a free camp for young burn survivors ages 6—17 staffed by volunteers and funded by donations. All proceeds go directly to the camp operations & activities — there are no paid personnel. A scheduled “tour & fun day” is available to children under 6 and their parents to experience camp. Please contact us to sign up. We are staffed by volunteers, including firefighters, nurses, health-care workers, teachers and others. The camp is offered at no charge to the participants and includes food, lodging, activity supplies, camp T-shirts and a week of fun, friendship and entertainment.
Activities typically include: canoeing, swimming, handicrafts, fishing, skits, competitive activities, nature hikes, horseback riding, and a ropes course (a confidence building activity). There are also presentations and visits by special guests. The camp program is designed to offer special summer camp opportunity to young people who have survived injuries from burns. Bringing survivors together, allows them to share common experiences through playing and exploring life together while not feeling self-conscious about what others may be thinking of their scars. The camp will give these young people an opportunity to make new friends and realize they are not the only ones with burn injuries.